On behalf of the GGAA International Organizing Committee we would like to warmly invite all those who are interested in the topic of global warming and animal agriculture to participate in the 2nd International Conference on Greenhouse Gases and Animal Agriculture to be held in Zurich, Switzerland, from 20 - 24 September 2005. The conference will be relevant not only to specialists in livestock husbandry (nutrition, housing, waste management / biogas) but also to environmental and natural scientists.
The overall aim of this conference is to assemble the specialists in animal agriculture and natural environment to discuss the problem of agricultural greenhouse gases. Besides mitigation strategies for ruminal methane formation and methane emerging from manure storage, the possibilities in utilizing methane, applying different storage techniques and turnover in soil will be addressed. Following on from the 1st GGAA conference in 2001 held in Obihiro, Japan, the 2nd GGAA in Zurich will also consider mitigation of nitrogen losses from livestock husbandry. The conference will consist of sessions with internationally renowned keynote speakers and oral and poster presentations of submitted papers. The conference will include a mid-conference tour.